Monday, January 31, 2011

January 30th - Day 30/335 days to go!

Today I made an adjustment to the size of the kitchen window since it is the obvious place to put the kitchen sink....however, the window was too long and part of it would have been behind the sink...a strange look. I measured the height of the kitchen sink that I'm going to us, cut a piece off the wood that I punched out from the kitchen window opening and glued into the bottom of the hole. Now the window will be just above the sink once the trim finish is added later. I know that I deleted the windows in the kitchen bay and now that the kitchen window is smaller it might seem that it is going to be a rather dark room....but....all the cabinets are mostly white, the wallpaper I have picked is a light colour, and there will be lighting, so that should keep the room from looking like a dungeon.

The window trim in the kit will have to adjusted to fit the new window size....but I don't see that this will be a least I hope not.

I also made a new fridge. I had one but it was too deep for the space that I wanted it made a new box, stole the two door off my old fridge and....ta da....a new sleeker fridge that fits!

I spent the afternoon doing minis with a friend and it was a ....great afternoon!

In the evening, I made an upper cabinet for the wall above the fridge....always a wasted space and in such a small kitchen, I didn't want any "dead" areas. They match the upper cabinets on the other wall. I still have to put the shelf and backing on but the main part is done.

I know it may seem like I'm....all over the place between construction and decorating....but, sometimes it's nice to take a break from all that gluing and sanding and just be.....creative!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to 'bash' the fridge, and so brave! i am a complete wimp when it comes to bespoking items in my houses but I have to remember to try different ways of looking at a problem.

    I don't think the room will be dark at all as you are keeping everything fresh and bright,
